
My Tanzanian Work Experience

Submitted by Colleen Doyle on November 18, 2019 - 4:02pm

*This  volunteer opportunity was accessed through Uniterra's Leave for Change program as part of VIU's partnership, funded by the Global Engagement International Work Opportunity Grant. The Global Engagement Grant program is available to VIU staff and faculty.

The Road to Recovery

Submitted by Leslie Burgoyne on August 20, 2018 - 10:30am

Christchurch is a coastal city situated on a major fault line, at risk of tsunami and susceptible to sea level rise caused by climate change. These characteristics could describe countless cities around the world, including many on Vancouver Island. Coastal cities are growing quickly, and the environment is changing faster than we can plan for. This makes them susceptible to unpredictable events which is why Building resilience is incredibly important to ensure coastal cities are prepared for a major disaster and the subsequent road to recovery.

My name is Lainy, and I will be a Planner

Submitted by Leslie Burgoyne on June 6, 2018 - 9:32am

My name is Lainy and I am a planner. I plan activities, I plan my future, and I plan blogs (apparently). My most recent plan is to become a professional Planner and plan cities! This dream has recently brought me back to school to achieve a Master of Community Planning degree at Vancouver Island University. Soon, I will be able to say I am a Planner by trade - but for now, I consider myself a planner by virtue.